Munich, Germany – July 20, 2002 – Soon, patients who thought that they suffer from diseases with
no cure available can expect effective treatment. This was one of the motivation, for the Bavarian
ministry for science, research and arts to support two of the founders of the biotechnology company
Bicoll (Munich, Germany) with a 100 000 Euro fund (Fluegge – program) for transforming promising
academic invention into successful business. Through this Bavarian grant two of the founders of
Bicoll, Kai Lamottke, Ph.D. (Technical University Munich) and Jun Xie, Ph.D. (University of
Munich), can also use the unique facilities located at their home universities to apply it at their on
going research at Bicoll.
Today, drug development companies cannot satisfy the continuous growth in demand of new, high-
quality active molecules addressing newly found drug targets. Bicoll solves this bottleneck
requirement: building on the selective forces of evolution in nature. Their invention of an innovative,
flexible and fast concept will be able to speed up modern drug discovery, selecting highly qualified
small molecules for further development.